What to Expect During the Car Insurance Claim Process

What to Expect During the Car Insurance Claim Process

Even amazing drivers have accidents, and it is helpful to know what to expect during the insurance claim process after an accident occurs. Please note that every insurance company handles claims differently. The tips below...

Are You Covered when You Drive for a Ride-Share Company?

Ride-sharing companies have taken the world by storm! It is difficult to visit any US city (or any big international city) without seeing the vehicles with the Uber and Lyft signs posted in the back...

Grammar Nerd: Improve Your Professional Writing in Five Easy Steps

Most know that there is a time and place for catchy colloquialisms. Some know that contractions should not be used in professional writing. Most are unaware that every letter should begin with a salutation that...

Translating Your Insurance Policy Into Plain English: The Duty To Cooperate

A standard portion of most any automobile insurance policy incltudes the language that the insured has the "duty to cooperate" with his insurer after he files a claim. Typically, this portion of the insurance policy...

The Lawyer’s Closet: Seven Necessary Items to Drop in Your Carryon When Appearing in Court Outside Your Home Jurisdiction

A rarely-discussed topic in law is the carryon suitcase. Sure, the briefcase gets its share of the attention. The gym bag even gets mentioned every now and then. But, the carryon? It seems to get...